As you may have noticed from my more recent post here, and my guest blogger, the Rock Vandal‘s post here, I am becoming increasingly curious and watchful of the yarnbombing world.
Without even searching for it, I seem to be stumbling across beautiful displays of yarnbombing art everywhere on the internet these days!
There’s even a Teds Talk about it by Magda Sayeg (considered to be the founder of Guerilla Knitting), here.
It’s inspiring and motivating me to start a yarnbombing project of my own. I haven’t seen any yarnbombing on Vancouver Island so far, making me think that this could be the perfect place to start my yarnbombing career.
Here are a just a few of the incredibly talented yarnbombers out there, beautifying our cities around the world.
1. London Kaye, New York
London Kaye is a well-recognized crocheter in the yarnbombing industry. Her most recent interview, here, gives us an inside peek into how she got started with yarnbombing.
London has come a long way since the start of her yarnbombing journey back in 2010. She has worked with brands as big as Miller Lite beer, Starbucks, the Gap, and has even collaborated by fashion design label Red Valentino on a clothing line for them.
I was impressed to know that she does all of her installations using just one simple stitch, known as the single crochet stitch.
It’s nice to know that you don’t have to be an ‘advanced’ knitter or crocheter to pick up yarnbombing. Just a vision, a quirky sense of humor, and a desire to brighten up your neighborhood.

2. Knit the City, London
Knit the City is a team of yarnbombers “operating from a secret underground wool-lined bunker in the heart of the busy metropolis of London“. They are comprised of the Deadly Knitshade and the Fastener, and began their undercover yarnbombing career way back in 2009.
Their yarnbombing is cheerful, playful and fun. They’ve even published a book of their knitscapading adventures in London.
They are also responsible for the coining of the term, yarnstorming, which they call a ‘less in your face’ alternative to the more popular yarnbombing.

3. Arquicostura from Valencia, Spain.
Raquel Rodrigo is the designer behind Arquicostura. She doesn’t knit, nor does she crochet. She cross stitches.
From far away, Arquicostura’s cross-stitch installations look like faded vintage floral paintings, blending in with the romantic style of the old buildings in Valencia, Spain.

Only by getting up close and personal do we see the true nature of Raquel’s work. This is one of my favorite things about yarnbombing. Far away and up close you see two entirely different things. Yet they’re one and the same. 🙂
4. Knits for Life from San Mateo, California
Lorna and Jill Watt of Knits for Life create eye catching designs that just seem to ‘pop’ out of the urban landscape.

They even started their own yarnbombing magazine, called Fuse, filled with insider tips and tricks for the burgeoning yarnbomber.

Their installations represent the type of art I would really love to see in my hometown. You can’t help but smile after coming across this on your walk (or bike!) to work.

They’re even making a leap into home decor. I would love to have these for chairs in my dining room! Or even better four chairs, each one a different colour!

Some other of my favorite yarnbombers include:
5. Ishknits of Philadelphia

6. The Rock Vandals, from Newfoundland Canada

7. Queen Babs of Yarn Bombers United from Australia
8. Knitteapolis of Minneapolis
Now, the undercoverish nature of yarnbombing means that some of these very talented yarn artists go unrecognized.
Do you know of a yarnbomber who deserves a mention? Send me a picture of their work to and a description, and I’ll add it to the page!