The Results are In!

I had such a great time reading all of your answers from the 2016 Reader Survey these past few weeks that I didn’t want it to end. Thank you so much to all of those who participated, every single answer helped me gain a much better idea of what you are looking for and what you like most about Wooly Ventures.

In total I had 46 responses from you all. Of course, the results may be a bit skewed as it’s not a high enough number to properly reflect the ideal “Wooly Ventures Reader”, but I still found your comments and answers incredibly helpful and motivating.

Here are a few things I’ve learned about you …

  • Over 90% of you are female (could’ve guessed that one, as my blog does have a bit of a ‘feminine’ touch to it)

Completely off topic and possibly irrelevant:

Wouldn’t it be great to have an @menwhoknit Instagram account featuring good looking men in various places who are knitting? Not sure if any of you have heard of the @menandcoffee Instagram account with over 370k followers. Sure @menandcoffee is all good, but @menwhoknit? That’s like 1,000 times better! #myhumbleopinion


Which do you prefer? (PS: I promise I’m not trying to objectify any of the men in these Instagram accounts)

Okay, now let’s get back to the survey.

  • 37% of you are over 55, followed by 20% between 46-55, 15% between 36-45 and 13% between 24-29.
  • 65% of you read Wooly Ventures about once a week
  • Most of you use Facebook (40%) for social media, followed by Instagram (22%), Ravelry (18%) and Pinterest (16%) …
  • 67% of you have been knitting for over five years!
  • And many of you (>30%) consider yourselves to be intermediate to advanced knitters who enjoy reading about both knitting and travel.

As for what you’d like to see more of on Wooly Ventures:

  • Travel and culture posts with a more personal feel was the clear winner according to a whopping 76% of you!
  • Knitting patterns, WIP Wednesday posts, Travel Guides, Knitting Round Up Posts, and Knitting Tutorials, all trailed behind, each with about 45-55% of you backing them up.
  • And then came hiking, at about 40% (well, I haven’t been doing that much hiking lately either, so I guess that’s okay! Although that may change once I move back to the Rockies).
  • Other answers included weaving, anything knitting related, and how yarn is seen in your travels.

Now for what you’d like to see less of …

  • Over 50% of you do not want to see any Blogging Tips! Just fyi, I haven’t posted anything blogging related just yet, but was debating on it in the back of my mind for future posts. Good to know that, at least for now, there’s not much interest.
  • Ahem, although maybe that will change a few years down the road when my blog has made me into a superstar blogging millionaire 😉
As for the final question, “What do you like most about Wooly Ventures and How do you Think it can Be Improved?”…

Most of you really do love the combination of knitting and travel put together in one blog. Which is great, since that’s really what Wooly Ventures is all about. Many of you would like to see how other cultures view knitting, tips for traveling on a budget, more video tutorials, more conversational style writing …

In a nutshell, I have a ton of great ideas for how to improve my blog moving forward, all thanks to you!